(Commonly transliterated as Melchizedek)

These are the back and front covers of my book.

About This Book


'Legacy Of The Melkizadek' (pronounced, Mel-ki-za-dek, both e's are short, the i and a are long and is commonly transliterated as Melchizedek) is the most intriguing and informative revelation from the Creator God of the entire history of the world! Those things that were uttered by the 'Seven Thunders' in (Rev. Ch. 10), which John the apostle was not allowed to write, are given herein this book. Along with much of the history of Yahweh Yahshua the Creator God before He arrived in this sector of the galaxy.


Including a complete and through explanation of the Melkizadek (Melchizedek) Priesthood. This Priesthood being what all believers are baptized into. And also explains the Relationship Covenant (The Ten Commandments) in complete detail.


Also, a complete explanation of the plan of salvation for man. And about the Angles that also are required to incarnate as men and seek salvation. (This being the major reason the Angles led by Lucifer rebelled.)


Also, there is extensive translational work, which the author spent 35-years on that clears up errors in the translations that we have today. Also resolving the contradictions caused by these translations. This creating a continuity of interpretation which anyone with a little common sense can readily follow. For the Creator God is a commonsense God!

This and much, much more, are given herein this once in the history of the world reading, 'Legacy Of The Melkizadek'.

Co-authored by:

Yahweh Yahshua


Arthur Rutledge


This is the last revelation directly from The Creator God, before Tribulation begins!
